Swoosh, swish, swoosh

Daily writing prompt
What are your daily habits?

Every morning, I read a couple NPR stories in bed before I officially get up. Today I only skimmed the headlines. I watched the presidential debates last night and am still thinking about what I observed. I’ll catch up with the news later today.

The debates were interesting and tense. Both candidates were effective at conveying their concerns, but the moderators were the clear winners.

Dana Bash and Jake Tapper were sharp, professional, open, and clear. They repeated questions to keep the candidates on task and stayed true to the fairly-timed format. Their skill and expertise allowed me to learn a new things about each candidate. By example, Bash and Tapper showed us that we, the people, can and should rise and shine to any task with patience, determination, and grace.

I mention the moderators first because regardless of who wins the November election, Bash and Tapper reminded me that the responsibility to create a more perfect union is on us, the people. It is on us to lead, love, and create example.

Trump’s example of leading, loving, and creating includes dog whistle politics (Jan. 6), extramarital affairs, and creating chaos in his home (three wives), his business (numerous bankruptcies), his cabinet (record-setting turnover), his country (Roe v Wade, West Virginia), and across the world (Paris Accord, China, N. Korea, Russia).

He has painted his red platform with broad black strokes. Immigrants bad, swoosh. China bad, swish. Abortion evil, swoosh. Trump’s finishing touch was to slap MAGA on in all white letters.

Much like a prison gang leader, Trump leads and performs well with racist whites, which makes sense because he is a convicted felon — a convicted felon who loves to use the word “legal” until he’s been “legally” impeached, “legally” convicted, and “legally” defeated in the 2020 election. In those cases, he says the legal system was a fraud.

President Biden continues to paint his blue platform with detail and specificity. He speaks up for people who are different genders, colors, orientations, and religions than him. By referring to policy, data, structures, and anecdotes, Biden outsmarted and outperformed Trump in last night’s debate, just as he has as the 46th president.

I was raised to always find something good about my enemies so I will say that Trump had better hair and makeup than Biden last night. But looks don’t matter to me. Neither do tax cuts for the rich, calling the coronavirus the “China virus,” inciting riots, bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, or bragging in general. I’ll tell you what does: Black Lives Matter. Pell Grants matter. International relations matter. Health care matters. Abortion rights matter. The environment matters. Science matters.

I’d like to move beyond “voting your conscience.” Wouldn’t it be nice if folks voted beyond their personal feelings and desires? Even “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” suggests a sameness between asker and country. It encourages the asker to do only for those who look like him.

This election, why not think less about yourself and more about the needs of someone less fortunate than you. Think about what the planet needs. Think about what future generations need. Think of how important it is to have educational and business opportunities for everyone. Think of someone who has been unfairly charged, overcharged or incarcerated because they are Black. Think of how marginalized the mentally ill are. Think of those living in poverty.

Let’s finally support those who need access to the same rights and opportunities as the white middle class. And when it’s time for us to work with the bully, let’s remember it is on each of us to demonstrate grace, patience, professionalism, and skill.

Thank you for reading. Vote blue. -Connie

About the Featured Photo: I habitually look forward to seeing “Father Stands in the Rain” by Alice Klock every morning when I come downstairs. Its meaning and emotional impact change for me every day. Here is another picture of it if you’d like a closer look.

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When I'm not writing plays, I blog about free or low-cost activities such as hiking, mushroom foraging, voting, parades, and theatre. I am taking the summer off from social media (and socializing in general) but am still "here." So, if you ever want to know how a curious cheapskate gets her jollies, subscribe to my free blog!

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